About me

Hello, I’m Edith Chavez

Therapist and  parent educator, certificate by the Positive Discipline Association.

For as long as 15 years, I have been a practitioner and facilitator of different tools that aid in the development of the conscious and in the emotional healing of people. Part of my duty consists of helping understand the wound and healing it using different techniques of human development, Holistic Therapy, and Energy Healing. I am also a practitioner of intuitive communication with animals and other entities.

I started this path because I realized that we all grow up with emotional wounds, but that by observing them with consciousness, these fissures are healed and life changes.

I am a Reiki Master, Theta Healer and practitioner of Access bars and source connecting. I have experience in human development and personal growth. I have created my own method of therapy to provide a personalized service.

My specialties:

Canalization of light entities (superior being, angels, ascended masters, transcended people).  

Intuitive communication.

Guidance and emotional support for first time mothers.

Assistance to patients with addictions or codependency.

Energy cleanses and healing.